Pošteni pogoji za vse uporabnike Soče
This is not fair and will not be usefull if not the Same rules for everyone(Thal, 2019-10-21)
I'm planning on paddling this river in the summer with my uni this increase will mean that I can't afford to do this and it's a dream of mine to go on this trip.(8E6 High Peak Halls Bridge Street Buxton, 2019-10-21)
I bring students on a trip to Slovenia, this level of increase would mean that we go to a different country for our trip.(Chapel-en-le-Frith, 2019-10-21)
Sem proti temu da se zaracunava vstopne tocke v vodo. Kot pred casom vstopnina v morje v Portorozu. Se to so ukinili. Voda je pravica vseh.(Ljubljana, 2019-10-21)
Money for nothing and our rivers for free(Cambridge, 2019-10-21)
Soča river is an amazing place to visit! This no place for short sighted management. Listen to the people that are working and depending on this river!(Haarlem, 2019-10-21)
rad hodim v naravo in se vozim s kajakom p soči(Skopice, 2019-10-21)
Prijateljstva pobudnikov.(Lokev SEŽANA, 2019-10-21)
Soca should be accessible to all not just the rich. Acceptable charges are fine but these are not to the tourists who travel far and wide to paddle it. Raising the fees will only damage the Soca Valley not make it better.(Sheffield, 2019-10-21)
L'accesso al fiume deve essere libero(Trieste, 2019-10-21)
I have been to visit the Soca Valley on 4 occasions and for 10 days visits and this change to the rules would make reconsider my regular visits to the area(Dublin, 2019-10-21)
jim jebem mater(bc, 2019-10-21)
I object to the imposition of exorbitant charges for the 'use' of the Soca. I and many other kayakers travel to Slovenia to paddle this river. The proposed charges are likely to dissaude myself and many, many other paddlers from elsewhere in Europe making the journey to Slovenia to visit the scenic Julian Alps to paddle. The proposed charges appear huge and disproportionate; especially when you take into what has been the cost of the vignette for several years or more.(England, 2019-10-21)
Sem uporabnik Soče že več kot 20let, in v kar se izrojuje ta Odlok, je nesramnost in avtoritarnost par ljudi pri koritu s pametjo 7letnika.(Dragomelj 150, 2019-10-21)
NIE / NO / NEIN for higher fees !(Wołów, 2019-10-21)
I have brought groups of kayakers from the uk for nearly 20 years to stay, eat, drink in local bars, restaurants and a comodation unfortunately if this increase in costs happen I will go elsewhere. Leo director Getafix(Welsh, 2019-10-21)
Monetizing of a natural resource, just wrong(Biggar, 2019-10-21)
This is an extremely high price rise, which will make paddlers think whether to come to the area or not. It's a lovely place for a holiday, but there are other places to go where they don't charge to get on a river.(CUTTS, 2019-10-21)
Imam rad naravo(Grosuplje, 2019-10-21)
The proposed price increase is far too high, and will cause paddlers to go elsewhere instead of Soca Valley.But a moderate increase in price is justified
(Nuneaton UK, 2019-10-21)
Makes me choose other paddle destinations i you do this, sorry Slovenia.(Pålsboda, 2019-10-21)
I sign the petition to stop the price increase.sebastian soyke
(worthing, 2019-10-21)
Charging for these services will have the opposite effect and force paddlers to travel to other countries as an alternative destination.(Yes, 2019-10-21)
Increasing the prices for people using natural areas will only reduce the number of people able to afford to do so. All this would achieve is a massive decrease in tourism and secondary income to the larger region and a massive increase in people continuing to use the areas but without paying any fee's what so ever. It is an extremely shortsighted and narrow-minded amendment to make, which will have lasting consequences on the regions economic prospects when there are multiple more beneficial changes that could be made in its place.(Drogheda, 2019-10-21)
Please consider the price increase carefully as you will loose many people coming to paddle the river and use local facilities. There are many river, in fact most river in the world you can paddle for free!(Exeter, 2019-10-21)
menim, da se o takih stvareh ne sme odločati parcialno brez dialoga z vsemi deležniki. Ne verjamem tudi v omejevanje dostopa s pomočjo višjih cen. Najbolj pa se mi zdi problematično, da se ne ločuje komercialne rabe od rekreacije! To je tako kot da bi zahteval vstopnice na uporabo nogometnega/košarkarskega igrišča, vstopnice za peš poti... Rekreacija in zdravje ljudi je v interesu države in ga občina s takimi ukrepi ne sme omejevati. Ni trajnostno in je skregano z vsemi smernicami trajnostnega turizma, ki ga v bodoče dolina Soče želi razvijati.(Dol pri Ljubljani, 2019-10-21)
Pay less, pay all. Think about increasing the services instead (i.e. a service shuttle at put in and take out)(Casale sul Sile, 2019-10-21)
Reka ni avtocesta!(Smlednik, 2019-10-21)
We visit every year and spend a week in Bovec using local accommodation and eating in local restaurants. If this price rises, then we shall probably move our annual trip to the Alps, where no permits are required.(Clark, 2019-10-21)