Pošteni pogoji za vse uporabnike Soče



Strinjam se s pobudnikom!

(Prevalje, 2019-10-24)


Reka je javno dobro, rojena v Bovcu, raje ukinite stevilo raftov na dan,...

(Radovljica, 2019-10-24)


We come to Slovenia from the UK solely to kayak. We are more than happy to pay for the river pass, and much appreciate the car parks and toilet facilities, but we certainly would find it difficult to cope with anything like parking meters when one can't be sure how long a river trip will last.
As you already get enough money to cover maintenance of the facilities, it would be a shame to scare away tourists who add to the economy.
I do hope you will consider this carefully.

(Mrs, 2019-10-25)


NO per le quote d'ingesso al fiume per i canoisti!!!!!

(rovigo, 2019-10-25)


Fair conditions for all Soča River users!

(Male, 2019-10-25)


River access should be free for everyone!

(Rotorua, 2019-10-25)


I am passionate about free flowing and free to access rivers

(Livingstone, 2019-10-25)


To peticijo podpisujem, ker je tako ekstremno povečanje neprimerno in belovodni kajak neposredno vpliva na športnike. Nobena druga evropska država ali reka nima tako smešno visoke stopnje kajakaštva. Kot vladna agencija bi morali spodbujati telovadbo!

I sign this petition because such an extreme increase is inappropriate and whitewater kayak directly affects athletes. No other European country or river has such a ridiculously high rate for kayaking. As a government agency, one should encourage sports (including white water kayaking)!

(Bergen NH, 2019-10-25)


Keine Gebührenerhöhung!

(Nussdorf, 2019-10-25)


If we give up on rivers, we give up on life.

The Soca river is too beautiful and too good to be treated like merchandize.

(Tignes, 2019-10-25)


For fair and equal rights for all. For a beautifull and environmentally friendly coexistence.
Thank you.

(Loffenau, 2019-10-25)


The Soca is such a beautiful valley... it would be a shame to ruin it for everyone with these greedy plans.

(Galway, 2019-10-25)


I wish to be treated fairly and in the same way as all other users. I respect the investment made by local authorities for access to the river soca and am happy to pay a fair contribution to do so. Thank you.

(Bridgwater, 2019-10-25)


Podpisujem, ker se strinjam s programom peticije.

(Ljubljana, 2019-10-25)


I have worked on the Soca river and returned many times to kayak this amazing river. It should be for everybody and not the few that can afford it

(Irland, 2019-10-25)


This new charge will ruin tourism on the Soca and prevent a lot of people travelling to Slovenia on holiday.

(Leeds, 2019-10-25)


Pravicnost do prebivalcev in delujoca narava

(Salzburg, 2019-10-25)


Peticijo podpisujem, ker se mi zdi reševanje problemov na Soči samo z drastičnim povečanjem cen za uporabnike preveč poenostavljena rešitev. Vprašanje je veliko bolj obsežno in zahteva drugačno, celovito rešitev.

(Tolmin, 2019-10-25)