Peticija za znižanje plače parlamentarcev na minimalno plačo


/ #596

2013-09-13 09:03

Forbes je objavil Misery Indeks oz. države z najvišjimi davki na svetu. Najbolj mizerno državo oz. zmagovalca sem dodal spodaj.

These countries are ranked according to how much a married executive with a gross income of 200,000 Euros takes home each year. The rankings are drawn from the Forbes Misery Index. Each slide also includes the take-home pay from a gross paycheck of 50,000 Euros, 100,000 Euros and 1 million Euros. In some cases, countries would be ranked differently according to these tiers, since they tax more heavily at the upper income brackets than the lower, or vice versa.

In kdo je zavzel PRVO mesto?

1. Slovenia (86,903 Euros)

50,000 Euros: 27,627

100,000 Euros: 47,953

1 million Euros: 398,503