Peticija ZA samostojni Slovenski šolski muzej



Podpisniki peticije na podlagi demokratičnih temeljev naše pravne ureditve zahtevamo in pričakujemo, da Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport umakne pripravljeni predlog sklepov Vlade RS in pred začetkom kakršnih koli postopkov v zvezi z združevanjem muzejev oz. ukinitvijo Slovenskega šolskega muzeja kot samostojnega javnega zavoda dopusti in sprejme

-         javno razpravo, na kateri pojasni razloge in smisel združevanja,

-         sodelovanje strokovne, posebej šolske, in druge zainteresirane javnosti

-         pripombe vseh deležnikov, ki jih načrtovana sprememba zadeva.

Podpisniki podpiramo razvoj muzeja športa, vendar ne želimo, da bi bile zato prizadete dejavnosti, ki jih izvaja in razvija Slovenski šolski muzej. Predlog sklepov Vlade RS o ustanovitvi novega javnega zavoda »Muzej šolstva in športa RS« so na Ministrstvu za izobraževanje, znanost in šport pripravili brez sodelovanja predstavnikov šolskega dela ministrstva in mimo strokovne in druge javnosti.

Slovenski šolski muzej je bil s predlogom seznanjen po e-pošti sredi avgusta, učinkoval pa naj bi že s 1. oktobrom 2013. Ugotavljamo, da je nepopoln, nejasen, predvsem pa ni zadostno argumentiran.



Petition for an independent Slovenian School Museum

Signatories of the petition (on the democratic foundations of our legal system) demand and expect that the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport immediately withdraws the proposal of the Slovenian government. Before further proceedings related to the merging of the museums or before closing of the Slovenian School Museum as an independent public institution, we demand:

- Public discussion about background of the decision and explanation of the reasons related to the merging of museums, 
- Active involvement of the expert community, particularly, educational experts, and/or other interested public,
- Careful consideration of the impact of the decision (financial, organizational), revision of the comments of all parties involved regarding the museum merging.

Draft resolutions of the Government on the establishment of a new public institution "Museum of Education and Sports" was prepared without any participation of representatives of the educational part of Ministry as well as without professionals and other interested public. Nevertheless, signatories of the petition support the development of the Museum of Sports, but not in a way suggested by the proposal, due to the possible negative effects on the educational and professional work of the Slovenian School Museum.
Slovenian School Museum was informed about the merging with the Museum of Sports via e-mail in mid-August, but it is planned the effect of the proposal to take place as early as on the 1st October 2013. We find this government proposal incomplete, unclear and without sufficient arguments.


Ljubljana, 13. september 2013


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