Podpora Kataloniji
I am catalan and I want Catalunya to become an independent country like Slovenia.For us you are a mirror, an example to follow.(Vilanova i la Geltrú, 2017-10-07)
Ker sem proti vsakrsnemu nasilju in za pravico do svobode odlocanja vsakogar in vseh.(Koper, 2017-10-07)
Podpiram pravico do samoodločbe katalonskega naroda. Visca Catalunya. Živela Slovenija.(Medvode, 2017-10-07)
Zasto bi zivio u zatvoru, braka obitlji, drzave,crikve , ako nisam sretan u toj zajednici. Necu !!!(Split, 2017-10-07)
Pravica do samoodločbe in demokracije.(Tržič, 2017-10-07)
Podpiram Katalonce v boju za osamosvojitev in obsojam nasilje policistov in ravnanje španske vlade. Želim jim, da jim uspe odcepitev.(LJUBLJANA, 2017-10-07)
Podpisujem, ker verjamem v pravico do samoodločbe narodov in v svobodno izbiro vseh ljudi. / I am signing because I believe in the right of self-determination of nations and the freedom of choice of all people.(Maribor, 2017-10-07)
I'm signing because violence should not be tolerated as a means of persuation.(Vipava, 2017-10-08)
Vsak narod ima pravice do izbire! Obsojam nasilje v Španiji in ignoranco EU ob dogajanja na volitvah.(LJUBLJANA, 2017-10-08)
Kdo je dal španskim politikom pooblastilo, da pretepajo miroljubne ljudi?Kdo je naročil slovenskim politikom, naj ne reagirajo na nasilje španske policije?
Kdo potrebuje take politike?
(Ljubljana, 2017-10-08)
I am signing this petition because I believe that in the supposedly most civilised and developed continent of Europe and in any supposedly democratic country only peaceful means of communication and decisin-making are acceptable. And like every individual should be free to the extent that another person's freedom stays intact, so every nation should have the right to decide for themselves in a peaceful manner about their present and future.(LJUBLJANA, 2017-10-08)
Ker je tako prav, ker smo vsi mi Katalonci.(Novo mesto, 2017-10-08)
I'm signing these because every nation has a right to get their own state, if people wish so. It is a huge shame what happened, not just for Spain but for EU maybe even more ...(Piran, 2017-10-09)
Every nation has the right to choose their way of political form.(LJUBLJANA, 2017-10-09)
Njihova pravica je, da sami odločajo o svoji usodi(Slovenska Bistrica, 2017-10-09)
I'm signing because this is the most basic right of every nation, EU proclaims itself to be democratic, but now we could see this is just a lie, like many other lies(Ljubljana, 2017-10-09)
Madrid reacted to a peaceful attempt at a petition with violence. Europe does not need that kind of shit anymore.(Izola, 2017-10-09)
ker je tako prav(Vrhnika, 2017-10-10)
Vsak narod ima pravico do identitete in svobode!(Kranj, 2017-10-10)
want them better life... we see how fasistic spanian doing this(Pivka, 2017-10-10)
Tako je prav!(Tomaj, 2017-10-10)
Vsem narodom želim pravico do samoodločbe!Italiani, nemci, španci, madjari, hrvati, grki, francozi, švedi, švicarji, avstrijci niso narodi. To os sestavlje države z več narodi.
Svobodo narodom!
(LJUBLJANA, 2017-10-11)
Every nation have rights to get own contry. This is the human rights.(Cirkulane, 2017-10-11)
I am for idea of local government(Beograd, 2017-10-12)