Podpora Kataloniji
I'm from Slovenia and remember very well what we go through . But still. Yugoslavia they said was totalitarian regime, BUT WE DIDN'T HAVE ANY PROBLEM WITH REFERENDUM - PLEBISCIT as we called it !! Well it's time to think well about what democracy reall is , I think !? ...(Slap ob Idrijci, 2017-10-03)
Vajgl serger************(Polhov gradec, 2017-10-03)
Podpisujem, ker je tako prav.(Koper, 2017-10-03)
Za vse prihodnje Dalíje in Miróje.(Cerknica, 2017-10-03)
Visca Catalunya lliure !(Rogaska Slatina, 2017-10-03)
Vsak narod ima rpavico do svoje države.(Ljubljana, 2017-10-03)
Pretresen sem nad brutalnim ravnanjem GC policije in ogorčen nad ravnanjem in dvoličnostjo tako slovenske vlade kot EU komisije in EPP (katere članice so tudi slovenske SDS, NSi, in SLS).(Maribor, 2017-10-03)
Vsak narod ima neodtuljivo pravico do samoodločbe in nikdar ne ugasne, torej tudi z nobeno ustavo ne!(Ljubljana, 2017-10-03)
Every violence is a crime!(Maribor, 2017-10-03)
Every nation has the right to self-determination.(Ljubljana, 2017-10-03)
Nasilje je v demokraciji neopravičljivo, kot bi se Španci iz zgodovine nič naučili.(Ljubljana, 2017-10-03)
I am signing the peticion, because the violence on Sunday is a crime and I do not tolerate it.(Slovenske Konjice, 2017-10-03)
I'm signing because I feel very deep sympathy with the Catalan nation after the violence of the Spanish "Civil Protection Guard" (Guardia civil cannot be considered cicil any more; it's nothing but an armed force for the protection of the strongest nations within the current Spain against minorities within this country that counts its last moments within its current borders). And last but not least, I'm a Slovenian, which means a member of the nation that underwent similar, unfortunately also partly bloody way from the former "big country" with the dominant nation (Serbian) to the independent smaller country. Not much different: the big and the small tongue were (are) similar (but not identical), the speakers of the big one tried (try) to make their language prevailing (the only?) in the disintegrating big country. And both sent the army (Peoples Army in our case and Civil Guards in the Capalan case) to their own people...When and where do we live? I believed we lived in United Europe in the year 2017. I'm not sure about it anymore... :(
(Maribor, 2017-10-03)
I strongly support free will of any nation!(Ljubljana, 2017-10-03)
Ker spoštujem našo (tudi EU) zgodovino, na kateri temelji naša (tudi EU) prihodnost!(KAMNIK, 2017-10-03)
ker zagovarjam demokraticne procese in sem proti nasilju(Medvode, 2017-10-03)