Pošteni pogoji za vse uporabnike Soče
Please keep the access system as it currently is.(Dublin, 2019-10-25)
Kajakkers are not the only ones using these points and are the cleanest and most environmentslly contious people. Dont make the pay extra for the mess others make please(Veghel, 2019-10-25)
Ich möchte das der Fluss frei ist. Er gehört niemanden.(Emmerich am Rhein, 2019-10-25)
Kayakers should have the right to access the river without an unreasonable price! Rivers are for everyone!(Seattle, 2019-10-25)
Podpisujem, ker ne verjamem v dobrobit odloka in podpiram predlog za bolj modre odločitve/rešitve.(Borovnica, 2019-10-25)
Turizem ni enako inkasantstvo.(Maribor, 2019-10-25)
Podpisujem, ker menim da voda ni od občine amak od vseh ljudi. Pravtako kot vrhovi gora in čisti zrak.(Kamnik, 2019-10-25)
La fruizione del fiume deve essere libera x tutti, questo provvedimento farà scappare i canosti di tutta Europa(Lodi, 2019-10-25)
Ker sem del naroda(Novo mesto, 2019-10-25)
Do not raise taxes on river users.(Priddis, 2019-10-25)
I wont come to soca if the permits prices get increased(Salzburg, 2019-10-25)
I agree with an access at the Same conditions for all. Paddlers walkers and bikers(Leoben, 2019-10-26)
Peticijo podpisujem(Pardubice, 2019-10-26)
Ga uradniki serjejo brez zdrave pameti(Kamnik, 2019-10-26)
Podpisujem, ker je voda vir življenja in je javno dobro vseh živih bitij. Kaj če začnejo računat še zrak?(Ljubljana, 2019-10-26)
Enaka pravica souporabe narave za vse drzavljane.. tako bogate kot revne!(Celje, 2019-10-26)
The river should be free. !!!(Cork, 2019-10-26)
I won't come anymore if the prices increase that ridiculously.(Innsbruck, 2019-10-26)
I will not come anymore if the prices will increase like that. I will surely miss pizza fredic than!(Innsbruck, 2019-10-26)
I sign this petition for different reasons. First of all, fees should not be charged on one single group of persons, fees shouldn‘t be increased for such a high percentage without equivalent offers that justify such an exorbitant increase. Further, as kayaker, as a member of a club that at least once a year since approx 20 years come to kayak and bring money in this region, such an increase very likely could lead to the decision to spend holidays and weekend trips at some other places. I am sure that I am not the only one thinking it this way.(Brunico, 2019-10-26)
Für einen gerechten Tourismus und faire Verteilung der Kosten im Socatal(Zielosko, 2019-10-26)
Keine Erhöhung der Gebühren für einen gleichgestellten Tourismus im Soca Tal(Grass, 2019-10-26)
Soča za Vse!(Stari Ledinci, 2019-10-26)
I love the Soca river and I happily pay a small fee to use the infrastructure. Please don't make it unaffordable for kayakers. I am certain that a lot of people would stay a way and small businesses making a living with kayakers, rafters, etc would suffer!(Boppard, 2019-10-27)
Not great idea for such an iconic area, shirt term decision with long term impact(Foxley, 2019-10-27)
Soča river for all. Money collected by river users have to be used for the river maintenance and access points infrastructure.(Zlín, 2019-11-09)