Podprite Seviqc Brežice v boju za enakopravnost v kulturi



Že mnogo let obiskujem koncerte SEVICQ Brežice. Festivalu sem zvest, ker mi nudi kvalitetno glasbo na lepih lokacijah po Sloveniji. Festival je res na visokem nivoju in mislim, da veliko prispeva tudi k razpoznavnosti Slovenije kot kulturne turistične destinacije.

(Brezovica, Šolska 12, 2017-09-28)


Ker mi ni vseeno za trud Ekipe festivala, ki bogati utrip poletja

(Celje, 2017-09-28)


It's important, that such festivals are excisting!!!

(Graz, 2017-09-28)



(LOŽ, 2017-09-28)


Zaradi ohranitve tradicionalnega glasbenega festivala, ki vsa leta prinaša širino ponudbe baročne glasbe v slovenski prostor

(Spodnja Pohanca 26, 2017-09-28)


Ker se ne zaveda dovolj pomembnosti kulture in v tem okviru glasbe. Ker je festival, ki ponuja edinstveno izkušnjo. ne uničimo vsega, kar je dobro.

(Ljubljana, 2017-09-28)


Many of us in the United States, and in particular members of the early music community, have for many years admired the work of Klemen Ramovš and the Ars Ramovš Institute. We respect Seviqc Brežice as an indispensable promoter of vibrant new cultural activity around Slovenia, setting Slovenia apart on the European stage. Top level government funding organizations in the United States understand that such non-governmental arts organizations are the indispensable lifeblood of our cultural health and diversity.

(Seattle, 2017-09-28)


Ker se strinjam z napisanim. Nekaterim je glasba v javnih institucijah nedostopna. V krajih kjer nimamo javnih glasbenih institucij ki bi organizirale koncertno dejavnost, do posamezni organizatorji edini, ki to dobrino ponujajo ljudem.

(Vanganel, 2017-09-28)


Ker podpiram breziski festival!

(Osredek nad Sticno 2, 2017-09-28)


Kot predstavnik pomembnega dela slovenske neodvisne gledališke scene popolnoma podpiram zahteve kolega Ramovša in pričakujem, da jih izpolnite, saj so več kot razumne, točne in legitimne.

(Ljubljana, 2017-09-28)


Podpiram Festival Seviqc!

(Osredek nad Stično 2, 2017-09-28)


Peticijo podpisujem, ker cenim vsak napor, ki je vložen v kulturo, še zlasti, če izhaja iz zunajinstitucionalnega okolja. V kulturi ni kruha, je le srce. Vlada bi to morala vedeti in prepoznati.

(Slovenska Bistrica, 2017-09-28)


Podrška vrlo kvalitetnom dugogodišnjem festivalu Seviqc Brežice s predivnim koncertima u prekrasnim prostorima, uz podršku brojnim NGO organizatorima u kulturi koji svojim znanjem, ljubavlju i entuzijazmom stvaraju raskošnu kulturnu scenu i odgajaju publiku

(Zagreb, 2017-09-28)


Že veliko let obiskujem dogodke Festivala Seviqc Brežice, ki mu je vsa leta doslej uspevalo ponujati kulturne dogodke na visokem nivoju. Naj tako ostane!

(Ljubljana, 2017-09-28)


Kultura krepi identiteto vsakega naroda.

(Škofja Loka, 2017-09-28)


I performed in the festival in 2009. It is well organized and in a beautiful surrounding. Keep it going!

(Ramat Gan, 2017-09-28)


I'm signing because this festival is one of the most beautiful musical events in Europe.

(Bierbeek, 2017-09-28)


I strongly support ArtRamovs!

(Sarajevo, 2017-09-28)


V celoti se strinjam z napisanim.

(Brežice, 2017-09-28)


SEVIQC Brezice is one of the most important festivals and events on European continent. Minimalising NGO scene has been a dangerous trend in SE Europe that will damage civil societies.

(Zagreb, 2017-09-28)


Gospod Klemen Ramovš izvaja v okviru Ars Ramovš vrhunski program starejše klasične glasbe s slovenskimi in tujimi glasbeniki ter tako bogati našo glasbeno ponudbo. Njegov prispevek slovenski kulturi spremljam od začetka osemdesetih let in sem mu za njegovo ustvarjanje hvaležna. Program Seviqc je pomemben tudi kot kulturni del naše turistične ponudbe in za celostno Imago Sloveniae

(Ljubljana, 2017-09-28)



(LJUBLJANA, 2017-09-28)


Podpiram kvaliteto.

(Ptuj, 2017-09-28)


SEVIQC BERZICE FESTIVAL is one of the most important festival of early music in the world.

(BOLOGNA, 2017-09-28)


Podpisujem, ker kot delavec v nevladnem kulturnem sektorju, popolnoma podpiram takšno razmišljanje.

(Nova Gorica, 2017-09-28)


I'm signing because the Festival in Bresice is one of the most important cultural events in the Adriatic area of Europe and a marvelous occasion of meeting for international reputated artists and qualifyied audience in the beautiful land of Slovenia
Dinko Fabris
President of the International Musicological Society (2012-2017)

(Bari, 2017-09-28)


I'm signing because the Seviqc Brežice festival is one of the most important early music festivals in Europe.

(Paris, 2017-09-28)


This is the most important festival in our area, it would be huge lost for all of us if it turns off. Good luck from Croatia!

(zagreb, 2017-09-28)


Odločno podpiram vse kulturno in kulturo kot tako. To smo mi, s kulturo bomo obstali, pteživeli!

(Brežice, 2017-09-28)


Culture is an essential part of a countries civil life.
it will not be accepted if only existing in government institutions.
it is life and reprensenting a countries culture really if organistaions like Sevicq Brežice can operate on clear conditionsand full parity

(Lovran, 2017-09-28)


As an internationally sought-after representant of the German cultur and music scene I confirm that both the work of Seviqc Brežice and Klemen Ramovs have done more for Slovenian reputation in the European music world then anyone else. Thomas Fritzsch

(Freyburg, 2017-09-28)


Kulturo je potrebno upoštevati in ohranjati. Ni vse dobiček.

(Ljubljana, 2017-09-28)


Sevicq Brezice does an incredible work for music and audiences with a very small budget.

It is a unique organization recognized at the European level which sould be considered as a very important duty for the Slovenian state, the Region and the Towns.

Kindest regards

(Ambronay, 2017-09-28)


Festival Sevicq je referenčni slovenski kulturni produkt, ki pomembno prispevek k uveljavitvi vrhunske glasbene umetnosti pri nas in tako utrjuje naše mesto med izjemnimi kulturnimi narodi v regionalni, med- in transkulturni perspektivi.

(Domžale, 2017-09-28)


This festival is one of the most important in Europe.

(Paris, 2017-09-28)


Seviqc Brežice is a very nice and important festival for Slovenia and the southern part of Austria too.

(Jennersdorf, 2017-09-28)


Koncerti t.i.stare glasbe so vedno odkrivali prostranost glasbene umetnosti in neizčrpno svobodo poustvarjanja, zato bogatijo svet klasične glasbe, ki je v glavnem strogo predpisan in vedno bolj "uniformiran". Podpiram dejavnost gospoda K. Ramovša, festival Seviqc.

(Nova Gorica, 2017-09-28)


Vrhunske dosežke se dolgo gradi, pa hitro uniči. Iz preteklosti se moramo kaj naučiti.

(Ljubljana, 2017-09-28)


I'm signing this because I want this festival going on

(Zagreb, 2017-09-28)


As director of Accentus austria or engaged with other ensembles, I performed in Brežice festival several times. At any occasion I appreciated the outstanding standard of this festival in any respect and I really hope that the festival gets the (financial) attention it diserves!

(Pfaffenschlag, 2017-09-28)



(Gornja Radgona, 2017-09-28)


I'm signing because I want to support Seviqc Brezice festival.

(douvres, 2017-09-28)