
#1826 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

2015-03-31 12:54

#1815: - Re: Re: Re: Re:  

 koga briga, da ti raje vidiš dva moška v 69?! namesto ženske mame pa čokolado popapa moška mama.



2015-03-31 13:08


Združenolevičarska peticija je do sedaj zbrala 30.021 foteljskih klikerjev iz 24.963 različnih IP naslovov.

Primčeva brigada je do sedaj zbrala 48.146 fizično overjenih podpisov na upravnih enotah.


Hutijevski partizani v Jemnu neustavljivo osvobajajo nova ozemlja kljub bombardiranju  ameriško-saudijskih letalskih sil...






2015-03-31 17:13

Ker nočemo gejev


#1829 Re:

2015-03-31 17:18

#1828: -  

 ne štekam



2015-03-31 17:32

Osebno nekaterih stvari ne razumem,vedno pa razumem nekoga drugega,ki drugače ravna in živi po svojih pravilih,dokler ne škodi meni in okolici. Zakon naj torej ostane,katoliki pa po svoji vesti oz vesti RKC.



2015-03-31 19:45

Ker s tem družba le pridobi in ničesar ne izgubi!



2015-03-31 22:16

Peticijo sem podpisala,ker mislim,da je to potrebno,saj gre
življenje naprej,ni več prostora za razne nestrpnosti.Ravno zato,ker gre za otroke,sem mnenja,da je bolje imeti dva očeta,dve mami,kot rejnike,sirotišnice,cesto ipd.Zlorabe,pa se dogajajo,kot veste,tudi med takimi,ki so najbolj proti.Žal.



2015-03-31 22:56

Cerkev ne sme odvzemat pravic ljudem.


#1834 Re:

2015-04-01 04:32

#1831: -  

 Izgubi tradicionalno vrednoto družine.


#1835 Re: Re:

2015-04-01 05:26

#1834: - Re:  

 Tako je. Podpis.


#1836 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

2015-04-01 05:48

#1826: Gost - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:  

 Zgleda, da se par procentov ljudi zelo sekira zaradi moje seksualnosti.



2015-04-01 06:09

Krščanski terorizem



2015-04-01 06:13

Če pravica ne krati pravice drugih, ne vem, zakaj je ne bi imeli!



2015-04-01 06:26

Za krščane tukaj. Škoda če ne razumete angleško, če pa pa iščite na google: christian violence today. Če ste sposobni se zamislite malo in poskusite najt vzporednice z zaničevanjem vaših vrstnikov in potomcev zaradi ene njihove lastnosti.


In the spring of 2013, Middle East historian Juan Cole decided to compare the body counts between violence committed by Christians and that committed by Muslims in the 20th century. He found that Muslim violence has claimed the lives of around 2 million people, mostly during the Iran-Iraq war and the war in Afghanistan, while violence by Christians claimed the lives of close to 100 million people.



2015-04-01 06:29

Like it or not, horrendous torture happened during the Inquisition and the era of slavery, both of which were justified using biblical scripture. 



2015-04-01 06:31

in central Africa, the Lord’s Resistance Army (which, similar to ISIS, seeks to establish a theocratic state based on the Ten Commandments) forcibly recruits child soldiers, terrorizes local villages, and is thought to be responsible for the deaths of 100,000 people in Uganda and the displacement of 1.7 million in the greater region, according to the United Nations.

One wonders if Jackson and others would be so willing to “defend” Christianity’s apparently sinless history to the faces of those 60,000 to 100,000 child soldiers, youngsters who were ripped from their homes, tortured brutally, and forced by the LRA to run needlessly into battle — all ostensibly in the name of Christ.

In addition, the second argument directed at Obama’s statements — that violence in the name of Christ was always met with overwhelming moral opposition from Christians — is only true when examined through the lens of several centuries of history. Few senior members of the Catholic church would defend the Crusades today, but they were waged with broad support in their time, and the institution of slavery took centuries to dismantle.



2015-04-01 07:11

Ta je žena od župnika...


The Simpsons - Helen Lovejoy - Think of the children


#1843 Re:

2015-04-01 07:14

#1827: -  

 Aja sem to paše... h kristusovi vojski.



2015-04-01 08:40

Podpisala zato, ker so za moje pojmovanje vsi ljudje enaki ne glede na spolno usmerjenost, veroizpoved, barvo kože..... vsi imamo čustva, vsi smo krvavi pod kožo in ta kri je enake barve pri vseh ljudeh. To, kar pa se sedaj dogaja v Sloveniji pa je katastrofa, cerkev se gre inkvizicijo (pa imam vse zakramente), 80.000 ljudi pa ne zna razmišljati, so brez srca.... prav strah me je postalo v kakšni državi živim, med kakšnimi ljudmi....



2015-04-01 11:25




2015-04-01 13:29







Repressed feelings of same-sex attraction


Human sexuality is not binary. It is a fluid continuum all the way from completely-homosexual to completely-heterosexual.


Many individuals in the middle of the spectrum experience some degree of same-sex longing and attraction, but the majority are constrained from acting on these feelings due to the social consequences they believe would accompany a perception that they are anything other than completely-straight. 


This ongoing conflict makes these individuals highly prone to suffer from homophobia and to engage in homophobic compensating behaviors in order to mask their true feelings.


Sigmund Freud called these compensating behaviors "reaction formation" and recent studies have confirmed his long-standing theory.


People tend to dislike that which they secretly want, but feel that they shouldn’t have.



2015-04-01 13:33

Homophobic Men Most Aroused by Gay Male Porn

Homophobia is associated with sexual excitement by male-on-male sex. Post published by Nathan A Heflick Ph.D. on Jun 09, 2011 in The Big Questions


Even a man who thought that women want to have sex with their fathers, and that women spend much of their lives distraught over their lack of a penis, is right sometimes. This person, the legend that is Sigmund Freud, theorized that people often have the most hateful and negative attitudes towards things they secretly crave, but feel that they shouldn't have.


If Freud is right, then perhaps men who are the most opposed to male homosexuality have particularly strong  homosexual urges for other men.


One study (link is external) asked heterosexal men how comfortable and anxious they are around gay men. Based on these scores, they then divided these men into two groups: men that are homophobic, and men who are not. These men were then shown three, four-minute videos. One video depicted straight sex, one depicted lesbian sex and one depicted gay male sex. While this was happening, a device was attached to each participant's penis. This device (link is external) has been found to be triggered by sexual arousal, but not other types of arousal (such as nervousness, or fear - arousal often has a very different meaning in psychology than in popular usage).


When viewing lesbian sex and straight sex, both the homophobic and the non-homophobic men showed increased penis circumference. For gay male sex, however, only the homophobic men showed heightened penis arousal.



Heterosexual men with the most anti-gay attitudes, when asked, reported not being sexually aroused by gay male sex videos. But, their penises reported otherwise.


Homophobic men were the most sexually aroused by gay male sex acts.



2015-04-01 13:37


The Eyes Reveal our Sexual Orientation

Pupil dilation and sexual arousal Post published by Nathan A Heflick Ph.D. on Mar 31, 2015 


Measuring sexual arousal can be a sticky matter. The most basic, and seemingly direct, way to measure sexual arousal is simply to ask people.


But, past research has found that this is problematic. For starters, people might not be the most willing to write down in a study what they are sexually aroused by if they consider it taboo, shameful or embarrassing, or if they are otherwise concerned about making a good impression. Even men who often reported no sexual arousal to—for instance—gay male stimuli often had genital arousal to gay male stimuli. (actually, men who reported being the most anti-gay in studies had the most genital arousal to gay male porn of any group of men who identified as heterosexual).


Another way to measure arousal is to, as just noted, measure actual genital arousal. But, this is a complicated matter as well. One problem is that the way to measure this in women is very different than the way to measure this in men. This makes some findings—like that women tend to show a bisexual preference in genital arousal more so than men—somewhat difficult to interpret. Also, there are likely a LOT of people not willing to sign up for these studies where they have devices attached to their genitals in a laboratory.


Recent research (link is external)headed by Gerulf Rieger (psychology lecturer, University of Essex, United Kingdom) and published in Biological Psychology (link is external), tested if the eyes can reveal our sexual orientation and our sexual desires. Sexual orientation is what sexual preference you identify with (e.g., homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, asexual, etc). Sexual desire is what stimuli you are aroused by. So for instance, a bisexual identified man might show stronger sexual arousal to men than women, or vice versa, or might have no preference.



In this study, men and women of various sexual orientations were exposed to graphic sexual content (e.g., images of men and/or women masturbating naked on a bed). During this whole process, pupil dilation was being assessed via eye tracking software. Genital arousal data was also gathered, as a goal of this research was to compare across these measures of sexual arousal.


The results indicated that, overall, genital arousal, self-reported sexual arousal, and pupil dilation correlated in response to a variety of imagery. This was especially the case for all men, and for homosexual women. 


This suggests that, yes, the eyes can reveal sexual attraction. Pupils dilation is an indicator of sexual arousal.



2015-04-01 13:57

ker se mi zdi prav



2015-04-01 15:25

 Za otroke gre. Otroke.