Stopite v stik z avtorjem peticije
Ta tema pogovorov je bila samodejno ustvarjena iz peticije ZA OHRANITEV NOVEGA ZAKONA O ZAKONSKI ZVEZI IN DRUŽINSKIH RAZMERJIH.
Gost |
#1651 Re: Re: Re: Re:2015-03-23 21:56Ljubi podpornik, hvala za tvojo obrambo. Na nepoučenega gospoda/gospo se pa kar ne jezi, ne bij ognja z ognjem. Gotovo se mu/ji je v življenju kaj hudega pripetilo, da tako sovražno želi hudega sočloveku. Vam pa, dragi izzivajoči kolega, da odgovorim na očitno provuciranje - želim vam, da nekoč z lepšim pogledom uzrete v svet. Dobro zmeraj dobro vrne. Vaše pisanje me ne gane, a morda nekoga bi. Želim si, da bi uvidelii, da so ljudje na drugi strani ekrana ljudje kot vi, z resničnimi čustvi. Zakaj jih želite načrtno prizadeti? |
Gost |
#1652 Re: Re: Re:2015-03-23 22:00Vam biti anonimen pomaga pri neprimernem obnašanju? A ni nerodno, če družba od moških zahteva, da zatirajo empatijo, ker to ni "moško". Na žalost je empatija osnova za moralo, ker omogoča vpogled v čustva drugih. Zato so moški bolj primerni za vojake. Res je, da moški ne morejo roditi in kromosom, ki je samo moški je precej kratek. Tako, da evolucijsko nismo ravno dominanten spol. Mitohondrij je osnova za energijo celic in se prenaša prek žensk. Vsi vemo kako se pride do otroka, kot pa je videti pa mnogi ne veste kako priti do človeka. Če govorimo o slepitvi, je bolje, da ne slepimo sami sebe. |
Gost |
#1655 Re:2015-03-24 06:55Tovariš, izbrali ste napačen nickname. S svojimi histeričnimi popadki bolj spominjate na glavnega junaka nemškega filma "Der Untergang". (Iskalni pojmi za google: "War Hitler Schwul?")
Gost |
#16562015-03-24 09:04zato, ker mi je dovolj sprenevedanja in zavajanja. To bi morali sprejeti že pred leti. Vsi bi morali imeti enake pravice in možnosti. Upam, da ne bomo spet vpletali v to ustavno sodišče |
Gost |
#1657 Re:2015-03-24 09:56Draga hetič skupnost, ditto. Tudi vaši otroci trpijo. Ker niste perfektni starši. Edino v vaši fantaziji.
Kmečka logika je ugotovila, da dva raznospolna starša, ki ne podpirata naravne spolne usmeritve lastnih otrok uničujeta zdrav razvoj osebnosti lastnemu otroku in si tega nista sposobna priznati zavoljo lastnega infantilnega ponosa. Če tega ne vidita nista zreli osebnosti in nista sposobna vzgajati z ljubeznijo in podporo.
Vsak ma neke probleme s starši, zamislite se, ste že kdaj krivili lastne starše, da so oni krivi za vaše primanjkljaje? Vprašajte geja ali lezbijko za kaj vse krivi starše. Ste sposobni gledat na svet čist brez predsodkov? Je to kar si vi predstavljate pod pojmom brez predsodkov res brez predsodkov? Kaj mislite kam vodi zaviranje prirojene seksualnosti? Pozanimajte se pri kakem diplomiranem psihologu, takem proti kateremu tudi strokovna javnost nima pomislekov. |
Gost |
#1659 Re:2015-03-24 10:08A ti je nasprotni spol zrastel zarad sprejema enga zakona? Al si gej oz. lezbijka ratal-a? A si tak dob(e)r-a biolog-inja, da veš bolje kot večina ostalih biologov kaj se dogaja v naravi? A te ne veseli, da v naslednji generaciji geji po tvojem ne bodo imeli več potomstva. Potem je tvoj problem rešen in noben več ne bo motil tvojega prefinjenega čuta za moralo. Kje ste prebrali definicijo družine, po katerem slovarju se naj ravnamo? Vas motijo spremembe? Vam predstavljajo hud stres? Čestitam, ste človek. Čeprav v tem primeru bolj podoben slonu v trgovini s porcelanom. |
Gost |
#1660 Re:2015-03-24 10:16To nenak ne drži, če samo članke malo nad tvojim komentarjem prebereš. Sicer so v angleščini ampak ljudje smo ljudje. |
Gost |
#1661 Re: Re: Re:2015-03-24 10:20Ne bosta mogla 2 geja razložit menstre, maš prav. Samo strejt mama lahko hčerki pokaže, kak zgleda razpadajoča sluznica, ki se izloča iz njenega mednožja. To pa gej moška težko demonstrirata, tudi če sta dva. Prepričal si me, sem posledica zgrešenega genetskega eksperimenta. |
Gost |
#16622015-03-24 10:21Ker želim, da postanemo bolj široka, ljubeča, strpna, razuvajoča različne in spodbudna družba. Že tako smo preveč zabredli, sama nevoščljivost, konkurenca, strah, zamorjenost ... kdo ima še kakšnega dobrega prijatelja (s katerim se utegne tudi družiti)? Komu so še sploh pomemebne važne stvari, npr. človek, odnosi ...?!?! Klerikalcem, duhovništvu? Preberite mnenje Damjane Šmid. Režemo vejo, na kateri smo; rak in depresija pa se ne ozirata na ves naš sveti kapital, tajkune, ambicije, birokracijo, zločine, korupcijo, preobremenjenost .... Naša malikovana zlata teleta SO NAPAČNA! Naj bo dovolj, dasiravno nikoli ne bi bilo... |
Gost |
#16632015-03-24 10:34Ker mislim, da tukaj ne gre za otroke ampak samo za to, da če se dva človeka ljubita, naj skleneta zakonsko zvezo. Kar pride kasneje, otroci, problemi... pa naj bo za vse isti zakoni. |
#1664 Re: Re:2015-03-24 11:17 |
Sigmund Freud |
#1665 Re:2015-03-24 11:54Aha, aha, zanimivo tovariš Josip... No, pa nadaljujva z analizo vaše katolifobične fiksacije... kakšni občutki vas prevzamejo, ko se spomnite zgodnjega otroštva in svoje slovenske katoliške matere Marije Javeršek? |
Gost |
#1666 Re: Re:2015-03-24 14:29Ne žalit Sigmunda z idejo, ki nima nič veze z njim. Katolifobija ni izraz, ki bi ga strokovna javnost sestavila, ker nima veze z realnim svetom. Komunizem in do neke mere socializmi imajo probleme s Cerkvijo, ker zažira v stabilnost družbe. Pri obeh gre za različno stabilnost družbe, ki nista enakovredni. Tudi Ameriški kapitalizem prihaja do enakih zaključkov, da vpletanje Cerkve v nekatere sfere, ki so ključne za razvoj okolja, ekonomije in posameznikov, zavira rast. Tako vehamentno posploševanje in enačenje sekulanosti s komunizmom, kaže na pomanjkanje osebnega razvoja, ki pa je g. Freud-u znana tema. Sigmund, čas je, da se pogledate v ogledalo, preden se obračate po drugih. |
Pablo |
#1667 Re: Re: Re:2015-03-24 15:24kje si ti sedaj našel JJ? kva ste eni Slovenci pihnjeni direkt v čelo, ej..a je JJ tudi kriv, da te tvoja ženk vara, pa da si ti tako tele? dvomim.. |
#1668 Re: Re:2015-03-24 15:28Dragi gospod Freud: V drugi svetovni vojni so nacisti pobili 66% evropskih Judov (Freud je bil Jud). Sedaj pa se vprasaj kaksen bi bil odstotek pobitih Judov ce v EvropI ne bi bilo komunizma, edine prave protiutezi nacizmu ? Bi v tem slucaju nacisti pokurili 90 ali 99 ali kar 100 % Zidov ? Mogoce si moras malo osveziti spomin: Jude so takrat Americani posiljali nazaj v nacisticne krematorije. Roosevelt pac takih kot ti ni maral. Na mamo Marijo Javersek imam pa zelo lepe spomine. Ona ni bila katoliban, pac pa dobra zenska ki je verjela v boga. |
Gost |
#16692015-03-24 16:10Ker je ze skrajni cas, da se zzzdr uveljavi brez nepotrebnega cirkusa. It is about time 4 equality. |
Gost |
#1670 Re:2015-03-24 16:51Dear american agent (may I address you in the language of your Lords and Masters for your convenience). If you haven't spent last seven years with your head stuck up your tolerant gay lovehole, you might have noticed that your FED is printing dollars like Slobodan Miloshevich was once printing dinars. We, former Yugoslavians already exactly know how this game ends. And when it does end (My bet is on september this year when Chinese turn on their CIPS.), there will be too much blood on the streets of Washington DC for even a decent gay pride parade. Any moral or financial support for remote homoimperialist outpost garrisons in Eastern Europe will be, of course, out of question. And someone somewhere will look very ridiculous, waving his funny little rainbow flag and histrionically spouting semi-literate english slogans into approaching T90 tanks of Russian peacekeeping units. Do svidanja, tovariš |
Gost |
#16712015-03-24 17:05Adults Raised by Gay Couples Speak Out Against Gay ‘Marriage’ in Federal CourtJanuary 23, 2015 - 5:24 PM
By Lauretta Brown
(( – Four adult children of same-sex parents have submitted amicus curiae briefs in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals asking that it oppose the legalization of same-sex “marriage."
The Court, in New Orleans, La., heard arguments on Jan. 9 as it considers whether to uphold traditional marriage – defined as being between one man and one woman -- in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. B.N. Klein, Robert Oscar Lopez, Dawn Stefanowicz, and Katy Faust all grew up with homosexual parents. All four argued that redefining marriage to include same-sex couples would harm children by depriving them of a mother or father. In her brief, Dawn Stefanowicz described her experience living in a same-sex household. “I wasn’t surrounded by average heterosexual couples,” she says in her court brief. “Dad’s partners slept and ate in our home, and they took me along to meeting places in the LGBT communities. I was exposed to overt sexual activities like sodomy, nudity, pornography, group sex, sadomasochism and the ilk.” “There was no guarantee that any of my Dad’s partners would be around for long, and yet I often had to obey them,” she said. “My rights and innocence were violated.” “As children, we are not allowed to express our disagreement, pain and confusion,” Stefanowicz explained. “Most adult children from gay households do not feel safe or free to publicly express their stories and life-long challenges; they fear losing professional licenses, not obtaining employment in their chosen field, being cut off from some family members or losing whatever relationship they have with their gay parent(s). Some gay parents have threatened to leave no inheritance, if the children don’t accept their parent’s partner du jour.” “I grew up with a parent and her partner[s] in an atmosphere in which gay ideology was used as a tool of repression, retribution and abuse,” B.N. Klein wrote of her experience with a lesbian mother. “I have seen that children in gay households often become props to be publicly displayed to prove that gay families are just like heterosexual ones.” Klein said she was taught that “some Jews and most Christians were stupid and hated gays and were violent,” and that homosexuals were “much more creative and artistic” because they were not repressed and were naturally more ‘feeling.’” “At the same time I was given the message that if I did not agree (which I did not), I was stupid and damned to a life of punishing hostility from my mother and her partner,” she recounts. “They did this with the encouragement of all their gay friends in the community and they were like a cheering squad. I was only allowed out of my room to go to school. This could go on for weeks.” “I was supposed to hate everyone based on what they thought of my mother and her partner,” said Klein. “People’s accomplishments did not matter, their personal struggles did not matter, and their own histories were of no consequence. The only thing that mattered was what they thought of gays.” Robert Oscar Lopez who was also raised by a lesbian mother and her partner, had a different experience which he described as the “best possible conditions for a child raised by a same-sex couple.” “Had I been formally studied by same-sex parenting ‘experts’ in 1985, I would have confirmed their rosiest estimations of LGBT family life,” Lopez wrote, but then went on to argue against same-sex marriage saying that, “behind these facades of a happy ‘outcome’ lay many problems.” He describes experiencing a great deal of sexual confusion due to the lack of a father figure in his life. He turned to a life of prostitution with older men as a teenager. “I had an inexplicable compulsion to have sex with older males,” he recounted, saying he “wanted to have sex with older men who were my father’s age, though at the time I could scarcely understand what I was doing.” “The money I received for sex certainly helped me financially because it allowed me certain spending money beyond what I earned with my teenage jobs at a pizzeria and in my mother’s [psychiatric] clinic,” he states in the brief. “But the money was not as impactful as the fact that I needed to feel loved and wanted by an older male figure, even if for only as short as a half hour.” “As early as ten years ago, I developed a clear stance on homosexual relationships. A civil union or some kind of state recognition would have helped my mother and her partner,” Lopez writes. “Yet the traditional marriage laws in New York State as they existed back then prevented my mother and her partner from entirely cutting my father out of my life,” he explained. “The latter reality proved pivotal because my re-establishment of ties to my father in 1998 led to a transition in my life, from being lost and sexually confused to being stable and romantically fulfilled.” Katy Faust, who grew up with a lesbian mother and her partner also testified against gay marriage but clarified that “my advocacy against gay marriage and for the rights of children will never include condemnation of my mother and her partner or details about their private lives.” “When we institutionalize same-sex marriage,” Faust writes, “we move from permitting citizens the freedom to live as they choose, to promoting same-sex headed households. In doing so, we ignore the true nature of the outcropping of marriage.” “Now we are normalizing a family structure where a child will always be deprived daily of one gender influence and the relationship with at least one natural parent,” she explains, “Our cultural narrative becomes one that, in essence, tells children that they have no right to the natural family structure or their biological parents, but that children simply exist for the satisfaction of adult desires.” |
Gost |
#16722015-03-24 17:13Heather Barwick is a South Carolina mother of four who was raised by a lesbian mother. Formerly an advocate for gay marriage, she’s now speaking out against same-sex unions and parenting after witnessing her “children loving and being loved by their father each day” and the “beauty and wisdom in traditional marriage and parenting.” “Gay community, I am your daughter. My mom raised me with her same-sex partner back in the ’80s and ’90s,” writes the 31-year-old in a new essay for The Federalist. “I’m writing to you because I’m letting myself out of the closet: I don’t support gay marriage. But it might not be for the reasons that you think. It’s not because you’re gay. I love you, so much. It’s because of the nature of the same-sex relationship itself.” Barwick’s essay, titled ‘Dear Gay Community: Your Kids Are Hurting,’ sheds light on her childhood experience. She was just 2 or 3-years-old when her mother left her father for a woman, at which point her dad “didn’t bother coming around anymore.” Her mother’s new partner was nice enough and the young Barwick “also inherited her tight-knit community of gay and lesbian friends.” Still, these extra friends could never fill a very important void that was left when Barwick’s mother replaced her father with a female lover. “Same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn’t matter. That it’s all the same. But it’s not,” Barwick writes. “A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting. My father’s absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.” Bingo. No matter how loud the left shouts their battle cries of acceptance and equality, there are certain things which cannot be replaced, which inherently are not equal or the same. One of these things, which is perhaps the most crucial and controversial, is the existence of a mother and a father as a family unit. |
A.H Gost |
#16732015-03-24 18:53Moramo iti s korakom v čas, 21. stoletje je in nihče naj ne bi smel imeti pravice odločanja o tem, koga se sme ljubiti in ali sme oseba nositi priimek ljubljenega. Navsezadnje, če ne bi bilo posameznikov, ki so verjeli v svoje mišljenje, bi bila rasna diskriminacija v ZDA še večja kakor je, ženske bi še zmeraj imele samo vlogo ubogljive gospodinje. Spolna enakopravnost se je v prejšnjem stoletju zdela absurdna, sedaj pa imajo ženske svoj praznik. Podporniki referundama menijo, da je za otroke bolje, da odraščajo v heteroseksualni družini, ki je morda nefunkcionalna, saj tako otroci ne bi bili žrtve verbalnega nasilja, ki bi ga morda povzročali drugi vrstniki. Namesto, da izpostavljajo to hipotezo, bi morali otroke naučiti, da je biti otrok dveh mamic oziroma dveh očetov nekaj normalnega. Svetu primanjkuje spoštovanja, strpnosti in navsezadnje tudi sožitja med ljudmi, ki imajo različen pogled na svet, ljubezen. |
Gost |
#1674 Re:2015-03-24 20:03 Da, 21. stoletje. |
Gost |
#1675 Re: Re:2015-03-24 20:37Some can be ass-holes nomatter the language they use. Če bi bilo navedeno vsaj blizu realnosti, bi bilo vredno komentarja vsebine, je pa del domišlije nekoga, ki bi bilo bolje, da bere knjige kot, da se uči iz filmov. |
Ohranimo pumpo in burek v Savskem naselju
Ali želite kaj spremeniti?
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