

2015-03-26 07:12

Is Homophobia Associated With Homosexual Arousal?



2015-03-26 07:16

Why is it proving so hard to root out homophobia?



2015-03-26 07:22



2015-03-26 07:34


What Is Cognitive Dissonance?



2015-03-26 07:46

testirajte se....



2015-03-26 12:34

Ker mislim, da je tako prav.


#1732 Re:

2015-03-26 13:18

#1731: -  

 Jaz pa ne...



2015-03-26 13:22

Dr. Mark Regnerus: Otroci posvojeni v istospolne skupnosti imajo pogosteje duševne probleme in depresijo!

Svetovno znani raziskovalec in znanstvena avtoriteta na področju preučevanja družin dr. Mark Regnerus iz University of Texas je leta 2012 dokazal, da so otroci, ki živijo v istospolnih skupnosti, zelo prikrajšani v primerjavi z otroci v družinah mame in očeta.

Dr. Regnerus je preučeval 2.988 mladostnikov (starost med 18 in 39), ki so živeli v različnih oblikah skupnega bivanja: od družine očeta in matere, izvenzakonskih skupnosti, enostarševskih družin in homoseksualnih skupnosti. Prišel je do naslednjih rezultatov, ki govorijo o razliki med homoseksualnimi skupnostmi in heteroseksualnimi družinami:

1. Večina otrok v homoseksualnih in lezbičnih skupnostih je temnopoltih oz. špansko govorečih.
2. Homoseksualne družine so bile 4 krat pogosteje deležne socialne pomoči in revščine. Prav tako so bile 3,5 krat pogosteje soočene z nezaposlenostjo.
3. Otroci zlasti v lezbičnih skupnostih imajo večje tveganje za kriminalno in asocialno vedenje.
4. Otroci v homoseksualnih in lezbičnih skupnostih imajo 3 krat pogosteje izkušnjo spolnega nasilja.
5. Imajo 300% večjo verjetnost, da bodo okuženi s spolno prenosljivimi boleznimi.
6. Otroci imajo 150% večje tveganje za uporabo marihuane in nadpovprečno uporabo tobaka.
7. Otroci imajo pogosteje duševne probleme in depresijo ter potrebo po strokovni psihološki podpori.
8. Otroci v lezbičnih družinah se pogosteje soočajo z ločitvijo in razpadom skupnosti.

Dr. Mark Regnerus je ponovno dokazal znano dejstvo: otroci so najbolj srečni in uspešni v družini očeta in mame. Stališča slovenskih zvez (društev) psihologov in terapevtov so zato pristranska in nerelevantna, ko trdijo, da so otroci v homoseksualnih skupnostih enaki ali celo boljši kot otroci v heteroseksualnih skupnostih.

Vir: Mark Regnerus: How different are the adult children of parents who have same-sex relationships? Findings from the New Family Structures Study. Social Science Research
Volume 41, Issue 4, July 2012, Pages 752–770.


#1734 Re: Re:

2015-03-26 13:27

#1732: - Re:  

 Bi lahko prosim dopolnili besede, ki se skrivajo za trem pikicam?


#1735 Re:

2015-03-26 13:47

#1733: -  

Vaši zaključki niso zaključki študije.

Ta študija ima precej kontraverznih reakcij in je bila verjetno zato izbrana in kopirana. Pričanje profesorja je bilo v eni od zveznih držav zavrženo z razlogom, da je bazirano na študiji s slabimi podatki.



2015-03-26 14:09

Sexual Orientation



2015-03-26 14:26

Too Old to Come Out?


#1738 Re:

2015-03-26 14:54

Disgraced “academic” Mark Regnerus slid yet further into ignominy on Wednesday after defenders of Utah’s doomed gay marriage ban expunged all references to his debunked study in their brief. The state, which is currently defending the invalidated ban before the Tenth Circuit, had cited Regnerus in two footnotes in a previously filed brief, and structured much of its argument around the conclusions of Regnerus’ work, which asserts that gay couples make inferior parents. Now the state is asking the Tenth Circuit to pretend those footnotes don’t exist, a last-minute revision made “in response to recent press reports and analysis of the study by Professor Mark Regnerus.”


Euphemistic excuses aside, everyone knows that Utah dropped the Regnerus study in direct response to a Michigan federal judge’s complete and total dismissal of Regnerus’ work, after he denounced it as “entirely unbelievable and not worthy of serious consideration.” That searing condemnation seems to have put an end to Regnerus’ shameless, pseudoscientific gay-bashing crusade. This mainstream rejection of Regnerus is long overdue: Many in his own field have repudiated his findings, and the journal that published his original study performed an audit concluding that it had “serious flaws and distortions” and never should have been published. (The most breathtaking flaw of all: Regnerus didn’t even include a valid sample of children raised by same-sex parents.) No one, except perhaps Regnerus’ anti-gay conservative funders, could seriously argue that the Regnerus study actually proves what he—and same-sex marriage opponents—claims it proves. In fact, the study is so methodologically mangled that it’s hard to say it proves much at all.


Utah, then, was wise to slice the footnotes out of its brief, even if the ex post facto maneuver is largely symbolic. But by doing so, the state has accidentally invited a bigger problem: Their remaining arguments are reduced to gibberish. No longer able to make the argument that gay people make inferior parents, Utah is now simply claiming that straight people make superior parents. This argument is so painfully specious that it doesn’t even deserve to be called an argument. If straight parents are superior, then it obviously follows that gay parents are less superior—inferior, you might say, if only doing so didn’t clearly contradict copious, meticulous scholarly research to the contrary.


It’s hard to imagine that the Tenth Circuit will actually buy into Utah’s blizzard of fallacies, which have always relied on Regnerus’ work to anchor them to some semblance of legitimacy. But honestly, it’s hard to imagine Utah winning this case with or without Regnerus. It seems undeniable by this point that Windsor can’t lose in the courts, no matter how convincingly states dress up their anti-gay animus in the garb of protecting children. The entire Regnerus affair merely illustrates how hollow these arguments were at their core all along—and sadly for Utah, they were pretty much the only arguments against gay marriage that anybody still found palatable. The state may have thrown Regnerus overboard, but the anti-gay ship started sinking long ago.



2015-03-26 16:15

da se vsak lahko poroci z osebo v katero je zaljubljen tudi ce je istega spoĺa


#1740 Re: Re:

2015-03-26 16:42

#1735: - Re:  

 Kdaj ? V kateri državi ?



2015-03-26 16:45

Za otroke gre.

Sprva jim starši in mediji perejo možgane  o največjem idealu poroki, o otrocih. Potem ko se izkaže, da so homoseksualci, pa jim rečejo, da nimajo nobenih pravic, naj si poroko in otroke izbrišejo iz glave.

Če ne priznamo porok istospolnim, če jim ne omogočimo možnosti posvajanja otrok, potem imajo ti otroci pravico, da so s pravilno vzgojo obvarovani pred trpljenjem, ki jih vsiljeni ideali povzročajo.

Menim, da je enostavneje sprejeti zakon, da imaje enake pravice kot heteroseksualni pari.




2015-03-26 17:18

Najlepša hvala! Zbrali smo že preko 40.000 podpisov za referendum o pravicah otrok!

V rekordnem času smo zbrali preko 40.000 podpisov za razpis referenduma o spremembah Zakona o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih. Ob tem se najlepše zahvaljujemo vsem prijateljem in podpornikom, ki so dostojanstveno oddali podpis podpore. Prav tako izrekamo javno zahvalo stotinam prostovoljcem, ki so zbirali podpise na več kot 150 lokacijah po vsej državi.
Koalicija bo točno število zbranih podpisov sporočila na tiskovni konferenci, ki bo jutri – v petek 27. marca 2015 ob 13h pred Državnim zborom


#1743 Re:

2015-03-26 18:16

#1742: -  



#1744 Re: Re:

2015-03-26 18:38

#1743: - Re:  

  I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: »We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.«
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Slovenia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood.
I have a dream that one day even the Church, a desert land, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their sexual orientation but by the content of their character.
I have a dream today



2015-03-26 19:18



2015-03-26 20:09

bravo parlament

#1747 bravo parlament ne pa onih 40k podpisov

2015-03-26 20:28

#1743: - Re:  

 Zbrali so 40 000 podpisov...Kakšen uspeh neki- to samo dokazuje kako nazadnjakarski smo! V času druge svetovne vojne, bi v Nemčiji z lahkoto zbrali podpise za izgon judov in seveda tudi homoseksulacev in drugačnih


Zares BRAVO parlament, končno se je zavedel (razen seveda nazadnjakarjev), da je predstavnik VSEH Slovencev- torej tudi manjšin.





2015-03-26 23:35

ker pac zivimo v retardiranem okolju in je taksno zadevo sploh potrebno podpisovati, namesto da bi bila samoumevna


#1749 Re:

2015-03-27 06:00

#1746: -  

 Z drugimi besedami: kaj ti koristi poslušanje pridig o ljubezni in sočutju, če v trenutku ko bi to moral najbolj izkazovat pogrneš na celi črti? Kar je najhujše - skupaj s pridigarjem, ki to uči.

Zgleda da vera ne ščiti pred psihološkimi obrambnimi mehanizmi.


#1750 Re:

2015-03-27 06:41

#1742: -  

 In zdaj naprej na ustavno sodišče zrušit radikalce LGTB!